Mobile app Lou by Wudo
I also use the Wudo platform: which password to use?
The password is common between the Wudo web platform and the Lou mobile app. You can use your Wudo password to log in to Lou.
What if I forgot my password?
Click on “Forgot your password”. An email will be sent to the address that was entered.
In this email you will find a code to enter on the Lou mobile app. This will allow you to reset your password.
Note: If you also use the Wudo web platform, your password will be automatically reset to the one you set to Lou. Your password is common to both Lou mobile app and Wudo platform.
How do I display my password entry in readable characters?
Click on the “eye” icon to display the characters of your password in clear text.
What are the criteria for accepting my password?
Your password must respect the following rules: 8 characters minimum with at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 digit and 1 special character from the following list # ? ! @ $ % & * – + = . / , _”
User ID / E-mail address
What user ID should I use?
You must enter the email address you want to use for your connection to Lou. It is on that email address that you will receive notifications about your Lou account (system notifications, interactions with your post, new content that may interest you, etc.).
Note: If you also use the Wudo web platform, please enter the same user ID. This will allow you to upload your personal information (last name, first name, organization, function, etc.) to facilitate your first connection.
How do I verify my email address?
When you enter an email address for the first time on the Lou application, a verification step of the latter is mandatory. For this, you will receive an e-mail with a link to validate this e-mail address. Once verified, you can return to the Lou mobile app and continue the login steps.
Join a community
Why is the app asking me for a community code?
Access to the application is done exclusively through a community. For this you must be invited. Check your e-mails or speak to your community ambassador Lou. It is usually a person responsible for the ecosystem of which you are a member or a project leader or facilitator.